- The related informations In this section are about the management of Di Bella Vini refering to the processing of personal data of the Di Bella Vini’s users.
- This present information is also having value for the purpose of the art. 13 of the D.Lgs. n. 196/2003, subject protection code of the personal datas, and for the purpose of the regolation article 13 UE n. 2016/679, related to the physical protection with the processing of personal data observance as well as the free circulation of these data for the interacting with Di Bella Vini subjects reachable with the corrispondent initial page: www.dibellavini.it
- The information is made only for the Di Bella Vini and not for the other web.
- The goal of this present document is to provide indications about the formalities, the times and the nature of the informations that the users have to give when they are connecting to the website Di Bella Vini, indipendently of the connexion goals, according to the European and Italian legislations.
- The information can undergo modifications because of the introduction of new standards about it. Therefore, the user is invited to control periodically the present page.
- If the user is under 16 old-years, pursuant to art. 8,c1, UE 2016/679 regolations, he has to legitimize his consent through the parents authorisation or of whom is legal tutor.
1 – Data holder
- The data holder is the physical or legal figure, the public authority, the service or other organization that, singly, or along with others, is dealing with the profile security.
- Relatively to the present website, the owner of the processing is: Di Bella Società Agricola S.r.l., and for each explanation or user rights practise, the user can contact him at the following e-mail address: info@dibellavini.it
2 – Data processing responsible
- The data holder is the physical or legal figure, the public authority, the service or other organization that, singly, or along with others who deals with the personal data for the processing owner.
- According to the article 28 of the EU n. 2016/679 regulation, on the nomination of the data owner, the responsable of the data processing of the site Di Bella Vini is: Di Bella Società Agricola S.r.l.
3 – Data processing locality
- The data processing generated by use of Di Bella Vini takes place through Via Dante, 153 – Palermo.
- In case of necessity, the connexion data at the newsletter service can be processed by the processing responsible or other appointed subjects for this purpose at the relative head office.
1 – Cookies types
- The website Di Bella Vini uses cookies to make the user’s navigation experience easier and intutive: the cookies are small texts strings used to memorize some informations about the user, his preferences and the internet access dispositive ( computer, tablet o smartphone) and are principally used to adeguate the site function to the user expectations, gaining a greater navigation experience and memorizing the precedency choices.
- A cookie consists in an ensemble of tranfered data to the browser of the user from a web server and can be only read from the server that achieved the transaction. It doesn not treat about executable code or virus transmission.
- The cookies don’t register personal information and the eventual identificable data won’t be memorized. If desire, it is possible to prevent of some or all cookies. Anyway, in this case the use of the site or other offered services could be compromised. To proceed without changing the relative options to the cookies, it’s enough to continue the navigation.
Here below are the cookies typologies used by this site:
2 – Technical Cookies
- There are numerous technologies used to conserve informations inside the user’s computer, that are collected by the sites. One of these and the most used is the HTML cookies. These are used to facilitate the fruition of the navigation of the site user. There are necessary for the comunication of transmission to the electronic web or rather for the supplier to deliver the service request from the customer.
- the settings to manage or disactivate cookies can vary, depending on the internet browser used. Anyway, the user can manage or ask the general disactivation or the cookies cancellation, modificating the own internet browser impostations. That disactivation could slow or impede the access of some parts of the site.
- The use of cookies allows the secure and efficient fruiction of the site.
- The cookies that are included on the browser and retransmitted through google analytics or through the statistic blogger service or similar techniques only if used to optimize directly from the same site owner, whom can collect informations aggregating to the number of users and on how they visit the site. With these conditions, for the analytic cookies are worth the same rules, on the subject of informative and consent expected for the technical cookies.
- About the during pointwiew, it can be distinguished temporarly session cookies that are automatically cancelling at the end of the navigation session and are served for identificating the user to avoid the login to each visitated page from those permanent pages that remani actives on the P.C. Until the user’s expiry or deletion.
- There could be installed session cookies to allow the access and the permanancy inside the reservated area of the web portal as authenticated user.
- They aren’t memorized in persistent way but exclusively for the duration of navigation until the closure of the same browser. Their use is strictly limited at the identificative session transmissions made up for casual numbers generated from the server and necessaries to consent the secure and efficient exploration of the site.
3 – Third parts Cookies
- Related to the provenient, it can be distinguised cookies sent directly to the browser from the visiting site and the third parts cookies sent to the computer from other sites but not the visiting site.
- The permanent cookies are often third part cookies.
- The most part of third part cookies is made up from tracking cookies used to individualize the online comportment, understanding the intrests and then personalising the advertising suggestions for the users.
- It could be installed analytic third parts cookies which are sent from external predict dominions from the site.
- The analytic third parts cookies are operated to notice the informations about the user’s behavior on the Di Bella Vini site. The detection happens in anonymous form in order to monitor the performances and to improve the site usability. The profiling third parts cookies are used to create profiles relative to the users in order to purpose advertising messages in line with the choices of the same users.
- The use of these cookies is disciplined from the same predisposed third cookies, therefore, the users are invited to take a vision of the privacy informations and the management or disable indications of the adverstising cookies on the related web page.
4 – Profiling Cookies
- the profiling cookies are those which create profiles related to the user and are used to send advertising messages in line with the manifestated preferences from the same web navigation ambit.
- When these kinds of cookies will be in use, the user will have to give an explicit consense.
- The article 22 of the rule EU 2016/679 and the article 122 of the data protection will be applicated.
1 – Data process mode
- As all websites even the present site uses log files where the collected informations are automatically conserved during the user’s visit. The collected informations can be the following one:
– internet protocol address (IP);
– browser type and dispositive parameters used to connect to the seite;
– internet service browser name (ISP);
– date and time of visit;
– web page visitator provenance (referral) and exit;
– eventually the click numbers.
- These informations are automatically treated and collected in aggregate exclusive form to verify the correct functionality of the site, and for security reason. These informations will be treated in base of the legitimate interess of the belonger.
- For security matter ( filters, antispam, firewall, virus relavation), the registered data can automatically iclude personal data as IP address, that can be used, conformerly to the current laws, in order to block attempt damages to the same site or to give damage to the other users, or anyway damaging activities and constituent offenses. These data are never used to identificate or profiling the user but to protect the site and its users, these informations will be treated in base of the legitime intress of the owner.
- So far as the site gives the insertion of comments, or in case of specific services required by the user, including the possibility to send the Curriculum Vitae for eventual job relationship, the site take over automatically and register some identificatives of the user, e-mail address included. These data intend volounterely furnished by the user on the erogation request service. Including a comment or other information the user expressly accept the privacy information and, agree particularly that the inserted contents are freely spread even to thirds. The received data will be used exclusively for the rogation of the requested service and for the only necessary time for the furniture of the service.
- The informations that the users of the site consider to be publically made through the services and the given instruments of the same, are provided from the user awarned and voluonteerely, without the responsability of the present site in vistue of the law violation. It’s up to the user to verify the imission permission of third data or protected contents from the national or international standards.
2 – Data process finality
- the collected data from the site during its functionality are exclusively used to the finalities indicated above and conserved for the time strictly necessarly to perform the precised activity and anyway, not over 5 years.
- The used data for security (block attent for the site damaging) are conserved for the strictly necessary time to the achievement of the finality indicated.
3 – Data provided by the user
- As indicated above, the optional send, explicite and voluonteer of the electronic mail to the indicated address un this site imples the acquisition of the sender address, necessary to respond the requestes as well as of the eventual other personal data included on the message.
- Specific informations of synthesis will be progressively reported or seen on the site page prepared for particular requested services.
4 – Support in configuring your browser
- The user can manage cookies even through the browser settings. Anyway, deleting the cookies from the browser can remove the preferences setted for the site.
- For more informations and support, it is possible to visit the specific helping page of the web browser that is in use:
– Internet Explorer: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-vista/block-or-allow-cookie
– Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-us/kb/enable-and-disable-cookies-website-preference
– Safari: http://www.apple.com/legal/privacy/it/
– Chrome: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/61416?hl=it
– Opera: http://www.opera.com/help/tutorials/security/cookies/
5 – Plugin Social Network
- Present site also incorporates plugin and/or button for the social networks, to consent an easy share of the contents on your favorite social networks. These plugin are programmed from us not to set cookies at the page access, to save the user’s privacy. The cookies are eventually set if expected from the social network, only when the user make an effective and volounteer use of the plugin. Consider that if the user surfs logged on on the social network, he has already agreed for the use of cookies conveyed through this site on the social network signing up time.
- The collection and use of the informations taken by means of the plugin are regolated from the respective privacy informations of the social networks which please refers to:
– Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/help/cookies
– Twitter: https://support.twitter.com/articles/20170519-uso-dei-cookie-e-di-altre-tecnologie-simili-da-parte-di-twitter
– Pinterest: https://about.pinterest.com/it/privacy-policy
– Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/cookie-policy
- The art. 13, c. 2 of the rule EU 2016/679 lists the user’s rights.
- The site Di Bella Vini therefore intends to inform the user of the existance:
– of the concerned right to ask the owner the access the the personal data (art. 15 Rule UE), their updating (art. 7, co. 3, lett. a) D.Lgs. 196/2003), the rectification (art. 16 Rule UE), the integration (art. 7, co. 3, lett. a) D.Lgs. 196/2003) or the limitation of the process that concern (art. 18 Rule UE) od to opposite, for legitime motivations, at their processing (art. 21 Rule UE) in addition to the portability of the data (art. 20 RuleUE);
– of the righth to ask deleting (art. 17 Regolamento UE), the transformation in anonymous form or the block of the dealed data in law violation, included those which are necessary for the conservation in relation to the goals for why the data have been collected or subsequently processed(art. 7, co. 3, lett. b) D.Lgs. 196/2003);
– of the right to obtain the attestation that the updating operations, rectifications, data integrations, deleting, data blocking, known transformations even what they contain, of those who the data have been comunicated or spreaded, eccepted when the data are revealed impossible or invlove an use of tools disporportionate respecting the protected right (art. 7, co. 3, lett. C) D.lgs. 196/2003);
- Requests can be addressed to the owner of the process, without formality or, in alternative,using the expected model from the garenteer for the protection of personal data, or sending an e-mail at the address: info@dibellavini.it
- So far as the process is based on the art 6 paragraph 1, lett. a) – expressed consent for the use – or on the art 6, paragraph 2 lett. a) – expressed consent for the use of genetic, biometric, related to the health, that reveal conviction relogious, philosophical or syndacal belonging, that are revealing the racial or ethnical origin, the political opinions – the user has the right to revocate the consent in each moment without prejudicing the lawfulness of the given process lent before the revocation.
- Likewise, in case of the normative violation, the user has the right to propose the complaint at the garant for the personal data protection, whom is authority responsible of the processing treatment on the Italian State.
- For a depth examination of your compete right, please see the artt. 15 e ss. del Regolamento UE 2016/679 e l’art. 7 del D.Lgs. 196/2003.
- Present site treats user’s data in licit and correct mode, adopting security measures to prevent not authorized access, divulgation, modification or destruction of non authorized data. The process is done with teletatic or/and informatic tools, with organizational modality and with logic closely correlated to the indicated finality.
- In addition to the owner, in some cases, some empoyees can be in charge of the access of the data of the site (personal, administration, commercial, marketing, lawyers, system administrators) or rather external subjects (third technical services, postal courier, housting provider, informatic societies, comunication agencies).
- Present document, published at the address: https://www.dibellavini.it/en/privacy-cookies-policy constitute the privacy policy of this site.
- It can be subject of updates and modicifations. So far as relevant modifications and updates, these will be signalated with notifications to the users.
- The precedent versions of the document will anyway be consulted in this page.
- The document was updated 22/05/2018 to be conformed with the field of normative dispositions and in particular conformity to the Rule UE 2016/679.